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OQMD API Python Wrapper

A Python interface, qmpy_rester, is designed for OQMD API.


Install via pip:

pip install qmpy_rester

Install via source:

git clone
cd qmpy_rester
python install


Make requests through OQMD API by get_oqmd_phases() and Optimade API by get_optimade_structures(). No API key required. Just launch a Python environment and start API request.


Attribute List

OQMD API Optimade API Description Usage
composition chemical_formula composition of the materials Al2O3
element_set elements set of elements the compound must have (OR: -, AND: ,) (Fe-Mn),O
ntypes nelements number of element types 2, <3
generic formula_prototype chemical formula abstract AB, AB2
icsd - whether exists in ICSD False, True, F, T
spacegroup _oqmd_spacegroup structure space group Fm-3m
prototype _oqmd_prototype structure prototype Cu, CsCl
natoms _oqmd_natoms number of atoms in a unit cell 2, >5
volume _oqmd_volume volume of the unit cell >10
stability _oqmd_stability hull distance <-0.1
delta_e _oqmd_delta_e formation energy <-0.5
band_gap _oqmd_band_gap band gap 0, >2
fields fields return subset of fields ‘name,id,delta_e’, ‘!sites’
filter filter customized filter element_set=O AND ( stability<-0.1 OR delta_e<-0.5 )
limit limit number of data per page default: 100
offset offset offset of data default: 0


The following is an example to make request through Optimade API.

import qmpy_rester as qr
import json
import time
import os


if not os.path.exists('query_files'):

def download_by_batch(batch_num):
    t1 = time.time()
    with qr.QMPYRester() as q:
        kwargs = {'limit':PAGE_LIMIT, 
                  'offset': batch_num*PAGE_LIMIT,
                  'elements': 'He',
        data = q.get_optimade_structures(verbose=False, **kwargs)
    t2 = time.time()

    if batch_num == 0:
        print('Size of query dataset is %d.'%data['meta']['data_available'])
    with open('query_files/query_'+str(batch_num)+'.json', 'w') as json_file:
        json.dump(data['data'], json_file, indent=2)
    print('Loading Batch %d time %.3f seconds'%(batch_num, t2-t1))

    if data['links']['next']:
        return True
        return False

if __name__ == "__main__":
    batch_num = 0
    while download_by_batch(batch_num):
        batch_num = batch_num + 1

QMPY Docker

A Docker image, qmpy_live, is built in order to use qmpy in a Docker container.

Step 1. Install Docker.

Docker is avaiable on different systems including Cloud, Linux, MacOS and Windows. The complete installation document can be found here. For MacOS and Windows users, a Docker Desktop is required.

Step 2. Collect qmpy docker image.

The pre-built image is available at Docker Hub. You can simply pull the image by

docker pull oqmduser/qmpy_live


Alternatively, you can also build your own docker image. The required Dockerfile and dependencies can be found from this Github Repository. In order to build a new docker image, you can type

git clone
cd qmpy_docker
docker build -t oqmduser/qmpy_live .

Step 3. Start a qmpy environment.

Once we have the qmpy docker image, we can start a docker container. The required database environment variables will be saved in the env.list file.

To start a container, find out the path to your env.list file and then type

docker run -it --rm --env-file <path_to_envlist> oqmduser/qmpy_live


The default entrypoint for this container is an IPython environment and you can start Django queries immediately.

To overwrite the default entrypoint, you can do

docker run -it --rm --env-file <path_to_envlist> --entrypoint "/bin/bash" oqmduser/qmpy_live

Also, if you want to transfer files from your local computer to the qmpy container or vice versa, you can perform the file synchronization implemented in docker.

You create a local path to store files you want to synchronize with docker container and then type:

docker run -it --rm --env-file <path_to_envlist> -v <some_local_path>:/workspace oqmduser/qmpy_live

This docker image is designed for internal use only. Contact administrators to get the required environment variables to start a docker container.


Mohan Liu: